Welcome to ‘Ishrab Zanjabeel Al-Ajeeb,’

Where each sip and bite reveal a unique tale. Since our journey began in July 2019, we’ve crafted an extraordinary café experience, offering exceptional coffee, exquisite teas, and delectable desserts with health conscious, top-tier ingredients. Step inside and embark on a sensory journey infused with ginger, lemon, turmeric, honey, and more, reinvigorating your passion for culinary artistry.

Call us +06 533 8033

In today's health-conscious era, cafes are increasingly offering beverages that combine delicious flavors with health benefits. Among these, ginger and turmeric stand out as a magical duo, uniting rich taste with remarkable health advantages. Ginger, known for its distinctive spicy flavor, has been trusted for centuries as a digestive aid and an anti-nausea remedy. On the other hand, turmeric is an excellent source of antioxidants with scientifically proven anti-inflammatory properties. When these two natural powerhouses are blended into one beverage,...
